Kirsten Dunst & Eliza Dushku
Claire Danes & Kate Hudson
They lock up
Kirsten Dunst locks Claire Danes in a full nelson
Claire Danes is struggling to reach the ropes
Claire Danes is valiantly trying to break the hold
Kirsten Dunst lets go after 16 seconds
Kirsten Dunst nails Claire Danes with a hammerlock
Kirsten Dunst goes for a double underhook faceslam, but Claire Danes blocks it
Kate Hudson enters the ring to make it two-on-one
Eliza Dushku enters the ring and throws Kate Hudson out of the ring
Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku whip Claire Danes into the ropes
They attempt to hit Claire Danes with a double backdrop, but she counters it with a double headsmash
A fan at ringside badmouths Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku leaves the ring
Claire Danes throws Kirsten Dunst out of the ring
Claire Danes goes through the ropes
Claire Danes whips Kirsten Dunst into the guardrail
Claire Danes throws Kirsten Dunst back into the ring
Claire Danes tags out to Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson gets a chokehold on Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds
Claire Danes enters the ring to make it two-on-one
Eliza Dushku enters the ring and lays out Claire Danes
Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku whip Kate Hudson into the ropes
They hit Kate Hudson with a double kick to the midsection
Eliza Dushku leaves the ring
Kirsten Dunst hits Kate Hudson with a waistlock takedown
Kirsten Dunst hits a monkey flip on Kate Hudson
Kirsten Dunst leaves the ring
She returns with a chair
Kirsten Dunst runs into the ropes and springs off the chair
Kirsten Dunst nails Kate Hudson with a dropkick
Kirsten Dunst tags out to Eliza Dushku
Kirsten Dunst executes a bulldog on Kate Hudson
Eliza Dushku hits Kate Hudson with a jumping elbow thrust
The crowd is behind Eliza Dushku all the way
Kirsten Dunst leaves the ring
Eliza Dushku whips Kate Hudson into the ropes
Kate Hudson hits Eliza Dushku with a kick
Eliza Dushku sits up
The chants for Eliza Dushku are deafening
Kate Hudson goes for a swinging neckbreaker, but Eliza Dushku counters it with a side suplex
Eliza Dushku takes Kate Hudson down with a backward kick
Eliza Dushku runs into the ropes
Eliza Dushku executes a swinging neckbreaker on Kate Hudson
The crowd is on its feet cheering for Eliza Dushku
Rebecca Carlton removes the chair from the ring
Eliza Dushku gets an armbar submission on Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson reaches the ropes after being trapped for 9 seconds
Kate Hudson begs off
Eliza Dushku runs into the ropes
Kate Hudson misses with a clothesline
Kate Hudson hits a clothesline on Eliza Dushku
Kate Hudson tags out to Claire Danes
Kirsten Dunst enters the ring and throws Kate Hudson out of the ring
There are lots of chants for Kirsten Dunst
Eliza Dushku and Kirsten Dunst whip Claire Danes into the ropes
They attempt to hit Claire Danes with a double fist to the midsection, but she counters it with a double clothesline
Kirsten Dunst leaves the ring
Claire Danes goes for a flying spinning leg lariat, but Eliza Dushku ducks out of the way
Eliza Dushku uses a short clothesline on Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku hits a superkick on Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku hits a punch on Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku puts Claire Danes in a stomach claw
Claire Danes is valiantly trying to break the hold
Eliza Dushku lets go after 13 seconds
Kirsten Dunst enters the ring to make it two-on-one
Kirsten Dunst executes a dropkick on Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku goes for a choke sleeper, but Claire Danes counters it with a facerake
Kirsten Dunst leaves the ring
Claire Danes goes for a gutbuster, but Eliza Dushku blocks it
Eliza Dushku runs into the ropes
Eliza Dushku misses with a clothesline
Eliza Dushku executes the Running Forearm Smash on Claire Danes
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, shoulder up
Eliza Dushku nails Claire Danes with the Running Forearm Smash
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, kickout
Eliza Dushku uses a back fist on Claire Danes
Eliza Dushku hits Claire Danes with a spear
Eliza Dushku goes for a snap suplex, but Claire Danes counters it with a vertical suplex
Claire Danes nails Eliza Dushku with a series of punches
Claire Danes locks Eliza Dushku in a guillotine choke
Eliza Dushku breaks the hold after 25 seconds
Eliza Dushku tags out to Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst and Eliza Dushku whip Claire Danes into the ropes
They hit Claire Danes with a double elbowsmash
Eliza Dushku goes for a short clothesline, but Claire Danes counters it with a crucifix
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, kickout
Kate Hudson goes for a Victory Roll, but Eliza Dushku blocks it
Eliza Dushku and Kirsten Dunst whip Kate Hudson into the ropes
They hit Kate Hudson with a double elbowsmash
Eliza Dushku leaves the ring
Eliza Dushku hits a swinging neckbreaker on Kate Hudson
The crowd is going crazy
Eliza Dushku hits a side step on Kate Hudson
Eliza Dushku tags out to Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst gets a stomach claw on Kate Hudson
Kate Hudson is valiantly trying to break the hold
Kate Hudson tries to escape the hold
Kate Hudson breaks the hold after 22 seconds
Kate Hudson takes Kirsten Dunst down with a thumb to the throat
Kate Hudson tags out to Claire Danes
Claire Danes and Kate Hudson whip Kirsten Dunst into the ropes
They hit Kirsten Dunst with a double elbowsmash
Claire Danes and Kate Hudson whip Kirsten Dunst into the ropes
Claire Danes and Kate Hudson hit Kirsten Dunst with a double clothesline
Kate Hudson leaves the ring
Claire Danes uses a flying spinning leg lariat on Kirsten Dunst
The ring is quickly filling up with debris
Claire Danes is going for the pin
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, shoulder up
Claire Danes hits Kirsten Dunst with a slap
Claire Danes gets a bow-and-arrow submission on Kirsten Dunst
Kirsten Dunst is struggling to reach the ropes
Kirsten Dunst reaches the ropes after being trapped for 5 seconds
Claire Danes nails Kirsten Dunst with an inverted atomic drop
Claire Danes nails Kirsten Dunst with a slap
Claire Danes whips Kirsten Dunst into the ropes
Kirsten Dunst misses with a clothesline
Kirsten Dunst takes Claire Danes down with a flying clothesline
The crowd is giving Kirsten Dunst a standing ovation
Kirsten Dunst puts Claire Danes in a figure-four leglock
Claire Danes' shoulders are on the mat
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, shoulder up
Claire Danes is valiantly trying to break the hold
Claire Danes tries to escape the hold
Claire Danes' shoulders are on the mat
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, shoulder up
Claire Danes tries to fight the pain
Claire Danes' shoulders are on the mat
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, shoulder up
Claire Danes' shoulders are on the mat
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, shoulder up
Claire Danes' shoulders are on the mat
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, Kate Hudson makes the save
Kirsten Dunst executes the Kiki Kick on Claire Danes
The crowd erupts
Kirsten Dunst goes for the pin
Rebecca Carlton counts: One, two, three
The crowd is going into a frenzy

The winners are Eliza Dushku and Kirsten Dunst. Time of match: 0:09:19